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Basic Python Challenges

Here are some basic Python challenges that cover all the topics so far. These challenges are designed to help beginners practice and reinforce their understanding of fundamental Python concepts.

Basic Python Challenges

Challenge 1: Personal Information Formatter Practice: Variables, data types, input/output, f-strings Task: Create a program that asks the user for their name, age, and favorite color. Then, format and display this information in a sentence.

Challenge 2: Simple Calculator Practice: Variables, operators, input/output, comments Task: Write a program that takes two numbers and an operator (+, -, *, /) from the user, performs the calculation, and displays the result. Use comments to explain each step.

Challenge 3: Temperature Converter Practice: Variables, operators, input/output, if-elif-else statements Task: Create a program that converts temperatures between Celsius and Fahrenheit. Ask the user for the temperature and the unit they're converting from, then display the result in the other unit.

Challenge 4: Odd or Even Checker Practice: Variables, operators, input/output, if-else statements, comments Task: Write a program that asks the user for a number and then tells them if it's odd or even. Include comments explaining how you determine if a number is odd or even.

Challenge 5: Grocery List Manager Practice: Lists, input/output, while loops, if statements, indentation Task: Create a program that allows users to add items to a grocery list, view the current list, and remove items. Use a while loop to keep the program running until the user chooses to quit.

Challenge 6: Number Guessing Game Practice: Variables, input/output, if-elif-else statements, while loops, comments Task: Develop a game where the computer thinks of a random number between 1 and 100, and the user tries to guess it. Provide hints like "too high" or "too low" after each guess. Use comments to explain your logic.

Challenge 7: Word Reverser Practice: Strings, input/output, slicing, functions Task: Write a function that takes a word as input and returns the word reversed. Then, create a program that asks the user for a word and displays the reversed version.

Challenge 8: Tip Calculator Practice: Variables, operators, input/output, functions, f-strings Task: Create a program that calculates the tip for a restaurant bill. Ask the user for the bill amount and the desired tip percentage. Display the tip amount and the total bill. Use a function to calculate the tip.

Challenge 9: Rock, Paper, Scissors Game Practice: Variables, input/output, if-elif-else statements, random module, while loops Task: Implement a simple rock-paper-scissors game where the user plays against the computer. Keep track of the score and allow multiple rounds.

Challenge 10: Password Strength Checker Practice: Strings, input/output, if statements, loops, functions Task: Write a program that checks the strength of a password. Ask the user to input a password, then check if it meets certain criteria (e.g., length, contains uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters). Provide feedback on the password strength.

Remember to use proper indentation in all your code. Each of these challenges can be expanded or simplified based on your current skill level. Start with the easier ones and work your way up to the more complex challenges.

As you work through these challenges, focus on writing clean, well-commented code. Don't hesitate to look up Python documentation or ask for help if you get stuck. The goal is to learn and improve your skills, so take your time and enjoy the process of problem-solving!

If you wish to see possible answers to each of these, look at: Basic Challenge Answers

Note: Soon, this website will feature the ability to run Python code directly in your browser. This upcoming feature will allow you to work on these challenges right here on the site, making it even easier to practice and improve your Python skills. Stay tuned for this exciting update!